Different Types of Floor Jacks

Most people rely on their mechanics or shop attendants to help them choose and buy a floor jack. Some shop attendants will direct you to the most expensive floor jacks even though you may not need that type of jack. When you are buying a product, you ensure that you have carried out research to help you figure out exactly what you would like and afford. The same should be applied as you look for a floor jack. Consider your budget, the price, manufacturer, warranty, customer reviews and alternative options before you settle on a floor jack. You will first need to figure out which among these three your vehicle needs:

Hydraulic Jack

A hydraulic jack uses hydraulic fluid alternating between two cylinders to create pressure and raise the saddle upwards. Once you have placed the hydraulic jack under the vehicle, the saddle will then slowly raise your vehicle. This jack sits on four wheels which helps stabilize the jack as you use it for lifting. It helps to keep the jack level thus enhancing safety. Additionally, this jack has the highest height capacity. It is therefore preferred for involving work that requires you to camp under the vehicle. This is part of why the hydraulic jack is more common in auto-body and repair shops. It also has the added advantage of supporting significantly heavier vehicles, making it suitable for trucks in addition to smaller cars such as sedans and SUVs.

Bottle or Piston Jack

The bottle or piston jack also uses a hydraulic mechanism. The distinguishing feature is the concentric cylinder which makes the jack higher when fully compressed and cylindrical as well. It has the smallest footprint which makes it easy to use when you have to work with uneven surfaces as it is easier to balance. It can also support significantly heavier weights making it suitable for trucks and larger vehicles. The fact that it cannot compress to really low heights also makes it unsuitable for lower and smaller cars.

Scissor Jack

As the name implies, this jack looks like a pair of scissors. It is a mechanical jack that uses a screw to compress the scissors and lead to lifting of vehicles. This jack requires physically exerting it in order to raise the jack. However, it is the most preferred for roadside emergencies as it is small enough to keep you out on the road as you change your flat tire as well as light enough to carry in the trunk without adding weight to the vehicle.


At the end of the day, you are faced with a decision on the type of jack that you would like to buy. This will not only be determined by the intended use of the tool but also by your budget. If you have more money to spare, you can buy a Lightweight Floor Jack that lasts long and serves most of your needs. If, however, your budget is limited, you will have to settle for something that is not as phenomenal as you save up for a multipurpose jack such as the hydraulic jack.